Volume, increment, aboveground biomass, biomass conversion and expansion factors for the main forest types in the EU
This paper provides a library of country-specific data on standing stock volume, aboveground biomass and cumulated net annual increment by age classes (at least for even-aged forests) for 222 forest types and 48 different management types in 25 EU Member States. The data compiled can be used both as direct input for calibrating yield-data driven models applied both at national and international level, either for directly assessing the current and potential growth or net carbon sink of specific forest area, also at sub-national level. Whereas age class is mentioned as a driver in the whole analysis, the reciprocal consistency between biomass, volume, and increment data, associated to each forest type is a key element addressed by the assessment.
Reducing the plant protein deficit of the European Union
Within the context of the review of the plant protein policy, the Commission published a series of factsheets on a variety of related topics: protein supply and demand, related CAP interventions, EU countries’ initiatives and research activities. In parallel, in the new report “Closing the EU protein gap – drivers, synergies and trade-offs", the JRC explored potential synergies and trade-offs within a food systems’ approach by assessing the combined impacts of key scenarios that assume an increased protein crop production, changes in feed ratios, altered livestock production systems and transition towards a more sustainable diet.
Reconciling the different uses and values of deadwood in the European Green Deal
Deadwood plays a multifaceted role in the bioeconomy, biodiversity conservation, soil health, fire mitigation, bioenergy, and carbon storage. This paper focuses on deadwood and compares estimates in managed and unmanaged forests. It highlights the need for coherent and mutually supportive policies to develop multifunctional pathways that reconcile deadwood management with biodiversity, bioenergy, and climate objectives. Finally, it shows that harmonised data and monitoring are essential, along with transdisciplinary collaboration, to identify trade-offs between biomass uses and values and to ensure the maintenance of functional forest ecosystems. |
Cultivating sustainability: the role of European Food Systems in advancing the SDGs
Taking into account complex interactions among supply chains, consumption patterns, ecosystems, human health, and planetary boundaries, this report identifies key sustainability elements in food system conceptualisations, including environmental, economic, social, and governance aspects. These elements are then linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to demonstrate how sustainable food systems can advance the 2030 Agenda in an integrated manner. The current state of progress on food system-related SDGs is discussed, presenting challenges and opportunities. Findings highlight food systems' potential to address multiple SDGs directly and the entire 2030 Agenda through SDG interlinkages.
Existing sustainability efforts and policies in the food systems in the EU and worldwide
Many initiatives address the sustainability of food systems in the EU and globally. This report describes the initiatives proposed by international organisations as well as the most relevant policy framework initiatives in EU and non-EU countries, providing examples. In delivers key messages and recommendations to foster a fair and just transition towards a European sustainable food system, revealing the importance to embrace sustainable food systems, looking at the environmental, economic, and social dimensions and their complex interactions, along the whole food value chain. |
The state of soils in Europe
This report offers a comprehensive assessment of soil degradation in the 32 Member States of the European Environment Agency (EEA), along with six cooperating countries from the West Balkans, Ukraine and UK. With contributions from over 90 authors, the report draws on the latest research, case studies and soil monitoring data, providing a thorough analysis of soil threats and their implications. It highlights the urgent need for comprehensive soil management strategies and sustainable soil governance frameworks, supported by research, innovation, and robust soil monitoring schemes, to safeguard soil health and ensure the long-term resilience of ecosystems.
Second call to become an EU Bioeconomy Youth Ambassador
The European Commission launches the second call for EU Bioeconomy Youth Ambassadors aiming to raise awareness about the sustainable circular bioeconomy and engage with youth communities on the opportunities that bioeconomy offers for our society. Young individuals who are eager to commit in favour of bioeconomy can apply before 17 November.
Global Bioeconomy summit Communiqué 2024
On October 24, the International Advisory Council on Global Bioeconomy (IACGB) concluded the Global Bioeconomy summit 2024 by providing a set of recommendations to countries, regions, industry, communities, and partners: i) integrate bioeconomy strategies into economic policy; ii) create a Global Bioeconomy Partnership bringing different existing initiatives together to share perspectives; iii) facilitate development of standards for fast and broad market access for bioeconomy innovations; iv) support regional and local initiatives to grow and connect with the global bioeconomy; v) include teaching of bioeconomy principles and exemplars as part of all education levels.
G20 reaches consensus and establishes high-level principles on Bioeconomy
After nine months of intense debates, the G20 Initiative on Bioeconomy (GIB) established 10 high-level principles as a result of a meeting of experts from the Forum's member countries, held in Rio de Janeiro. Among the principles there is a commitment to inclusion and equity, defending the rights of all persons, contributing to the conservation of biodiversity, promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns, as well as the trade for bioeconomy products and services. Market conditions, sustainable business models, and decent jobs are also considered. |
Global Energy and Climate Outlook 2023
Based on quantified assessment by the JRC's internal energy-economics teams, the Global Energy and Climate Outlook provides a global picture of energy markets as they transform over the next decades, under the simultaneous interactions of economic development, technological innovation and climate policies. The report evaluates the role of different energy sources, including biomass, in three different scenarios.
EU Climate Action Progress Report 2024
According to the latest Climate Action Progress Report, the EU achieved a record 8% drop in GHG emissions in 2023 compared to the previous year. Emissions are now 37% below 1990 levels, while the EU’s GDP has grown by 68% over the same period. The report published by the European Commission also outlines key achievements in the fight against climate change, while stressing the need for continued action to meet future goals. The assessment of progress in the LULUCF sector takes into account bioeconomy related initiatives and policies. |
EU Agri-Food Days
This annual event will take place in Brussels on 10 – 12 December. It will bring together agri-food system stakeholders, civil society, consumers, academia and policymakers from across the EU. They will discuss the latest agricultural trends, policy options, market developments, as well as how research, innovation and digital technologies are shaping European agriculture of today and tomorrow. Participants could reflect on current and upcoming challenges in the European agri-food sector and assess how the common agricultural policy and the EU Green Deal can contribute to deliver a greener, fairer and more competitive agriculture in Europe. |