Danube Region Water Lighthouse Action

↓ Clustering event presentation

Home to nearly 80 million people, the Danube River Basin stretches across 19 European countries. Unfortunately, its main artery, the Danube River, is heavily affected by pollution. In this context, the EU-funded DALIA project will bring together 22 expert organisations from eight EU and associated countries to properly manage this complex and fragile ecosystem. The project will provide an integrated tool for better decision-making and improved restoration of fresh and transitional water ecosystems in the Danube River Basin. DALIA will contribute to the EU Water Framework Directive. It will also collaborate with a wider network of ecosystems and related EU Missions and projects.

Grant agreement ID: 101094070
Start date: 1 January 2023
End date: 31 December 2026



DALIA: Szigetköz

DPS 1: Szigetköz region-revitalization of the ecological system
The Szigetköz water replenishment system has been set up and is operated in collaboration with stakeholders to dynamically control discharges and restore natural water levels on a 40 km long stretch of active and historical floodplain river branch system along the Danube, thereby creating diverse habitats while promoting ecological connectivity through fish passages.

↓ Clustering event presentation - DPS1

DALIA: Plastic Cup on the Tisza River Sub-basin

DPS 8: Tackling Plastic Waste in the Bodrog Floodplain
Based on 10+ years of experience Plastic Cup Society will showcase a complex toolkit against plastic pollution of rivers that builds on citizen science, knowledge sharing, awareness raising and stakeholders’ engagement. A joint effort to develop adaptable solutions to prevent and stop plastic pollution at the rivers before reaching the oceans.

↓ Clustering event presentation - DPS8

DALIA: Kysuce River

DPS 4: Upper catchment of Vah River rehydratiation
The Demonstrative Pilot Project for the Revival of Springs in the Váh River Basin aims to improve the abundance, stability, and robustness of the springs, hydrate the forest, and reduce soil erosion by slowing down the runoff of precipitation with the use of close-to-the-nature water retention measures. We want to prove that the right rainwater management with using rainwater retention measures can be used to regenerate springs and mitigate climate change. The chosen model area is the headwaters of the Kysuca River, part of the Váh River tributary, covering 1053 km². The project, as part of the Slovakian DPS, seeks to gain knowledge on the impact of landscape revitalization on water restoration and develop systematic measures for basin-wide restoration.

↓ Clustering event presentation - DPS4


04 February 2024



Fresh Water Net

Network of Fresh Water Related Projects & Actors

Cooperation to support

BIOEAST TWG Fresh Water Based Bioeconomy


3-7 March 2025 - Freshwater Clustering event

2nd Clustering event to showcase demo sites of the EU projects

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